Virtual Questioning with Google Slide
Objective: To engage in using the presenter view function within Google Slides as a means of encouraging questioning by students

Description: The Middleborough Public Schools recently hosted Mr. Alan November as our opening day keynote speaker. As part of his presentation he spoke of the importance of having students ask questions to enrich and drive their learning. To help with this, Google Slides has integrated another tool in their repertoire that is focus on encouraging questions and answers through Google Slides. Presenter View allows for presenters to send in questions to a url specific to the presentation at hand.
Please come to this hands-on workshop to see this feature modeled for you and then try it out for yourself! We will also share other tips and tricks with Google Slides.
Advice for Implementation: When we first used this feature, we had to familiarize ourselves with the display settings of our device. To use this feature you will have to use an extended display, so you will have to turn off mirroring on your display settings.