TeachPoint: Evidence Collection
Objective: To Support Teachers in Evidence Collection for Summative Assessment.

Description: Evidence collection is a responsibility that all educators have for their evaluation. According to the agreed upon contract language between the Middleborough Public Schools and the Middleborough Education Association "he Educator will provide to the Evaluator evidence of family outreach and engagement, fulfillment of professional responsibility and growth, and progress on attaining professional practice and student learning goals. The educator may also provide to the evaluator additional evidence of the educator’s performance against the four Performance Standards." ( p. 17) Summative Evaluation reports are due by May 15th. Evidence to be considered within that report is due by April 20th, or four weeks prior to the summative date established by your evaluator.
During this exposition SMART goal and teacher rubric templates will be reviewed. The efficient use of technology will be demonstrated to to streamline the evidence collection process.
Please bring your laptop and be ready to upload evidence in this workshop style exposition.