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Screencasting Made Easy

Objective: To learn how to easily create a recording of what is on your computer screen supported with narration.

Description: Using the Google add-on ScreenCastify, one can easily create a recording of your what is displaying on your computer screen while capturing your verbal explanation. ScreenCastify will also automatically save the videos to your Google Drive, which facilitates sharing and integration with Google Classroom.

Screencasts are a great way for your instruction to go beyond the walls of your classroom. Whether it is you providing the narration or a student, those who watch the video can continue to learn by seeing and hearing. In my past practice as a Chemistry teacher, I found it helpful to provide screencast of explanations on how I approach and solve specific problems.

Advice for Implementation: Work out your "script" a bit in advance to minimize the number of re-dos when recording so your video moves along a bit smoother.

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