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Transition Topics

Objective: Participants will learn about different topics related to the transition process for middle and high school students with disabilities.

Description: Topics will include Chapter 688 referrals, Adult Agencies, and Transition Assessment. Transition Assessments can be done with ALL students (with and without disabilities). We will focus on utilizing a person-centered approach to transition.

Exploring transition topics has led us to take a more individualized and person- centered approach when working with transition aged youth (middle and high school students). Students are able to play a more active role in the development of their IEP and transition plan.They are more motivated to work on post-secondary goals that they have developed. Students are also encouraged to make more choices and decisions in the classroom.

Advice for Implementation: Focus on the individual student and what their goals are. Choose transition assessments that best fit them and use those assessments to guide the creation of the transition planning form. Use the transition planning form to create the IEP.

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