Using Video in Your Instruction
Objectives: To discuss why and how to incorporate video into instruction and learn how to shoot, edit, export, and upload a video for one of your classes.

Description: Video can be a great way to engage students. This best practice is for any faculty who would like to use video to enhance teaching and learning but may not know where to begin. We will briefly discuss different ideas for using video, such as ice-breakers, in presentations, as a tool to give feedback, or for student projects. We will cover the basics of editing video, with time reserved to help anyone with specific questions pertaining to the video they would like to produce.
There are several ways how incorporating video changed teaching and learning in my classroom. I use post instructional videos online as a resource for students, we often watch short video clips in class, and student-produced clips provide a different way for students to demonstrate their learning.
Please brainstorm ideas for a video(s) you may like to produce prior to the PD session.