Google Classroom and Google Apps for Education Support Session
Enhance classes with integrated technology and media
Extend the classroom environment outside of school
Engage students in cooperative student centered learning

Description:Google classroom and apps for education can be of use for all teachers and will enhance instruction in all subject areas. No matter your pedagogy, Google will provide additional tools and support for teachers to implement best practices.
Google classroom and apps for education has provided support in our journeys from a teacher centered classroom to a student centered inquiry based classroom.
Advice for Implementation: Start with small steps and build your comfort/mastery over time.
#IA4WellStructuredLessons #IB1VarietyofAssessmentMethods #IB2AdjustmentstoPractice #IIA2StudentEngagement #IIA3MeetingDiverseNeeds #IIB2CollaborativeLearningEnvironment #IID1ClearExpectations #IID2HighExpectations #IID3AccesstoKnowledge #IIIA1ParentFamilyEngagement #IIIB1LearningExpectations #IIIC1TwoWayCommunication #IIIC2CulturallyProficientCommunication #IVB1ProfessionalLearningandGrowth #IVC1ProfessionalCollaboration